iPhone 3.0 upgrade/apps
Thinking about upgrading to 3.0 for the iPhone, but being concerned about app compatability, I went on a hunt to see what I could see about the apps I use, then decided to post it so I’d have a reference. Here’s what I’ve found so far from my top used apps (I’ll update as I find more, and if I upgrade, I’ll update based on personal testing). Feel free to contact me via twitter (@kaydub) if you have any specific info.
- Evernote: OK
- TweetDeck: OK
- Peggle: OK
- Yelp: OK
- ShakeItPhoto: OK, with minor issues
- Brightkite: Unknown
- Doodlejump: Unknown
- HP41CX+: Unknown
- Darkroom: broken
UPDATE: Only Darkroom failed to work on 3.0, the update was remarkably uneventful (in a good way), and everything just worked.
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Jun 17 2009