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The Fall Guy
Rating: 5 of 5 car rolls
A fun action movie, with a slight nod to the TV Series, plot-wise. A casual attempt at a dramatic plot wraps the stunts into a story. A few slow parts, but in general, good pacing to keep you engaged. Amazing stunt work, which is kindof the whole point. And the actors obviously had a blast making the movie.
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A fun action movie, with a slight nod to the TV Series, plot-wise. A casual attempt at a dramatic plot wraps the stunts into a story. A few slow parts, but in general, good pacing to keep you engaged. Amazing stunt work, which is kindof the whole point. And the actors obviously had a blast making the movie.
Mendo Rainfall
Emacs Notes
C-c C-e m m (org-md-export-to-markdown)
May have to use M-x org-md-export-to-markdown before above works table recalculate in emacs C-u C-c C-c #+NAME:2025
Year Month Rainfall Yearly Season 2025 22.07 2025 1 1.00 1.00 23.07 #+NAME:2024
Year Month Rainfall Yearly Season 2024 10.81 2024 1 10.21 10.21 21.02 2024 2 8.67 18.88 29.69 2024 3 6.72 25.60 36.41 2024 4 1.51 27.11 37.92 2024 5 1.57 28.68 39.49 2024 6 0.
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Rating: 5 of 5 actual stars
Amazingly beautiful, both in cinematography and soundtrack, this well acted drama can’t be considered science fiction, because they went to great lengths to make sure the science was actually science-y. It’s a bit long, but that’s because they spend a lot of time giving you the backstory, which really pays off in the final act. The technology, from using NASA-accurate switch panels, to the really interesting robots showed ridiculous attention to detail and imagination.
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Amazingly beautiful, both in cinematography and soundtrack, this well acted drama can’t be considered science fiction, because they went to great lengths to make sure the science was actually science-y. It’s a bit long, but that’s because they spend a lot of time giving you the backstory, which really pays off in the final act. The technology, from using NASA-accurate switch panels, to the really interesting robots showed ridiculous attention to detail and imagination.
Joker Folie Du Deux
Rating: 1 of 5 cigarettes
As pretentious and silly as it’s title, I still have no idea what the intention of this movie was, other than give Lady Gaga another opportunity to belt out a few tunes, and I’m guessing sell cigarettes. Not since 50’s Film Noir has there been so much on screen smoking. Yeesh. Boring, slow, tedious, predictable. There is no reason to watch this humorless flop. None.
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As pretentious and silly as it’s title, I still have no idea what the intention of this movie was, other than give Lady Gaga another opportunity to belt out a few tunes, and I’m guessing sell cigarettes. Not since 50’s Film Noir has there been so much on screen smoking. Yeesh. Boring, slow, tedious, predictable. There is no reason to watch this humorless flop. None.
Deadpool and Wolverine
Rating: 5 of 5 flying body parts
Comically over-the-top violence? Check. More one liners than you can shake a sword at? Check. Breaking the 4th wall at every opportunity? Check. Maybe the best flick of the franchise. Absolutely top shelf writing and delivery.
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Comically over-the-top violence? Check. More one liners than you can shake a sword at? Check. Breaking the 4th wall at every opportunity? Check. Maybe the best flick of the franchise. Absolutely top shelf writing and delivery.
Mom and Dad
Rating: 3 of 5 homicidal parents
Something causes parents to want to violently kill their children. Hilarity ensues. That’s about it. Pretty good creepy flick staring the master of horror, Mr. Nicolas Cage. Have to take off a star because the alternating quiet then insanely loud music is unnecessary, and another for the hyperactive camera work.
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Something causes parents to want to violently kill their children. Hilarity ensues. That’s about it. Pretty good creepy flick staring the master of horror, Mr. Nicolas Cage. Have to take off a star because the alternating quiet then insanely loud music is unnecessary, and another for the hyperactive camera work.
Knox Goes Away
Rating: 5 of 5 Pacinos
A very well crafted and acted story about a hitman who’s loosing his memory, but has loose ends to wrap up while he’s still able to function. Michael Keaton turns in another great performance, and Al Pacino shows up as Keaton’s mentor, amazing as always. It’s a bit of a thriller, and keeps you guessing about how it’s going to wrap up to the end.
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A very well crafted and acted story about a hitman who’s loosing his memory, but has loose ends to wrap up while he’s still able to function. Michael Keaton turns in another great performance, and Al Pacino shows up as Keaton’s mentor, amazing as always. It’s a bit of a thriller, and keeps you guessing about how it’s going to wrap up to the end.
Cold Pursuit
Rating: 4 of 5 headless bodies
Liam Neeson has a particular set of skills, even though he’s a simple snowplow operator in this action flick, you go with what you know. Not bad, as Yet Another Revenge action movie. Seems like these require their own category, there are so many of them. And nearly always close family member meets with untimely end, quiet/retired protagonist for some reason (cops don’t believe it was foul play, are in cahoots with bad folks, can’t be involved because spies) must kill everyone involved, because that’s how it works.
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Liam Neeson has a particular set of skills, even though he’s a simple snowplow operator in this action flick, you go with what you know. Not bad, as Yet Another Revenge action movie. Seems like these require their own category, there are so many of them. And nearly always close family member meets with untimely end, quiet/retired protagonist for some reason (cops don’t believe it was foul play, are in cahoots with bad folks, can’t be involved because spies) must kill everyone involved, because that’s how it works.
Rating: 4 of 5 root kits
A near future action/revenge story. Nothing particulary novel, bad things happen, main character eventually goes after the people who caused the bad things. Think Robocop. But, it’s fun. And violent, and dystopian. Not a ton of character development, just as well, these characters are sterotypes and don’t need it. But, all in all, a fun ride, if you don’t think about it too much.
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A near future action/revenge story. Nothing particulary novel, bad things happen, main character eventually goes after the people who caused the bad things. Think Robocop. But, it’s fun. And violent, and dystopian. Not a ton of character development, just as well, these characters are sterotypes and don’t need it. But, all in all, a fun ride, if you don’t think about it too much.