My five things
My buddy Steve Wilson tagged me with the 5 things meme game. So, here’s my entry, obviously I had to accept the challenge and make mine video too.
My tagees? I think I’m suppose to have 5, but didn’t get a rulebook.
Paul Vixie – A buddy since high school
Brian Berliner – An amazingly cool guy I got to work with for a while at Cassatt
James Urquhart – A colleague at my old company, Cassatt, who’s doing a great job getting folks there blogging!
Mike Eldredge – A long time friend and mentor, who doesn’t have a blog yet, but should. Working at a really cool zero-stage startup, Fuzz Artists
Bob Brewin – Another great colleague who’s at Sun, I’m tagging him to be annoying, since he promised to respond to his first tag from James Gosling about 3 weeks ago
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Feb 23 2007