Today’s cool tool: picnik
Picnik’s an online basic photo editing tool, especially nice if you use Flickr since it’ll allow you to take your photos located on the web or your computer, tweek some basic things, then post them. But, you can also grab photos from elsewhere, or re-tweek your Flickr ones. It’s also very fast, simple, and an amazing bonus feature these days, no registration needed for full functionality!
But, it is a good way to snarf a (non-copywritten) photo you liked from one place, alter it a bit, and store it elsewhere. Also good if, like me, you use multiple photo-sharing sites, depending on what or where you are. And, good for “the rest of them” that find stand-alone photo editors too difficult, and just want to auto-fix, crop, and remove red-eye from some pics on their way to sharing nirvana.
Online Photo Editing is now a Picnik
powered by performancing firefox
Feb 01 2007