Today’s Yuppie Porn - Espresso machines
Once read a review of “Under the Tuscan Sun” calling it pure yuppie porn. I just loved that description of feeding the consumerist machine with really attractive images and marketing.
So, here’s my Yuppie porn for today…
Saw these machines at Sur La Table today, in a nicely lit cabinet over next to the shiny $2k espresso machines that aren’t industrial quality enough to justify those prices. These were less.
Anyway, had a really fancy little brochure, so I went to see what the web site was like.
Secretly, I’ve wanted one of these “capsule” machines because I have only Starbucks nearby, but I just can’t get myself into the crafting of a perfect cup of freshly ground espresso first thing in the morning. I have friends that do, I envy that they get up with that kind of passion for something first thing. I’m a “get up, grab a granola bar, do a round of email and check” first thing kinda guy. The only thing(s) that’s kept me from buying one is that Peets doesn’t sell their coffee in any of the pre-packaged form factors :-). Well, that and, being stuck with one vendor for the coffee sucks, and is pricey, and when they go out of business, you have to throw away your machine. Then there’s the waste of the little canister every day. Some machines use “pucks” they’re more interesting and seem less wastefull, if only Peets would sell in puck form. But Peets is reserved for folks with the passion for crafting their own beverages, or standing in line at the store. I have the patience for neither first thing.
But, back to topic, the website for this machine was pure yuppie porn. Actually, very well done, the music is on by default, which is a MAJOR error of web design in my book. Thought I’d pass it on, good use of video (check out the de-calcification video). And any machine that backlights the built-in wastebasket has gotta be cool, right?
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Jan 28 2007