April 7, 2006
Yeah, OK, so I’m an Apple geek. Never owned an Apple ][, used ’em, played games on ’em, ran Visicalc on one.
One West Coast Computer Faire, the last one with really interesting Z8xx(x(x)) and 65xx machines that you could buy in kit form, or, rather, the last one where those were in the main room. One side room had Charlie Chaplin and the IBM PC, and another room had this amazingly cool machine from Apple, called the Lisa, which geeks surrounded, grunted about, then someone from Apple would say “Um, it’ll be about $10,000”, and we’d look at our hobbiest standard atire: cruddy t-shirts and jeans, giggle about how they didn’t really get the fair, then we’d shuffle back into the big room to check out the quad-density 8″ dual floppy drives again.